Tuesday, October 11, 2005

I guess i should write something today

maybe just some random thoughts cause its late and i'm tired...

- mick jagger has a really nice head of hair
- i would love some sushi right now
- i am attracted to sparkly things
- my right shoulder is really really really screaming sore
- i like to believe that i was really something when i was 17
- someday i want to go to india
- the boy's ears seem big to me
- some people really have no clue how inappropriate they are
- i have way too much stuff but can't live without any of it
- aunt audrey's family really isn't perfect
- i really like the name Stella
- why do i feel the need to make tommy lee some soup and read the "saggy baggy elephant" storybook to him
- i really hate going to the gym but i did today and felt better afterwards - how cliche is that statement...

1 comment:

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

hey thanks for dropping by my blog! i was enjoying this entry on ur blog when i read that line u wrote "u'd love to visit india sometime": am from india and the funniest part is i'd love to vist canada sometime!