So being fairly new to this new bloggin thing I have noticed people posting pictures for half naked Thursday - HNT -
So I thought I would contribute to this "tradition" with my contribution
Here it is...
Yes it is my left hand - naked? you ask - Yes, on the ring finger you will notice the absence of the wedding bands and engagement ring I normally wear
If you look closely you will see the seemingly permanent indentations of the rings - 3 reddened band areas on my finger
Lately I have been taken to not wearing the bling - I do miss the rings - especially the sparkle of the diamond, but alas one more area of my life that I must overcome..
A woman at work today came to show us all the new engagement ring she received
Man, the diamond was so big that it really looked fake - I'm sure it wasn't but damn it was large - jealous? maybe
What does one do with the rings once it is no longer appropriate to wear?
Wear on the right hand, make into some new piece of jewellery, sell it, or put in the jewellery box and forget about it???
Agghh.. maybe I will still wear it all - it's not like I've signed any papers yet and god knows he won't notice if I have it on or not....
hey, ya know what? this is even more daring than i've done on here!! so pat yourself on the back!!
Hey what you do is take it to a reputable jeweler and have them remade into somewhing new rings pendants broaches your call
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