Sunday, April 16, 2006

Joyeuses Paques....

Yep, there I said it - en francis no less...
The bunny came - left a bizillion eggs outside and a kick ass basket full of overly priced toys for the boy - yep it's easter... yipee...
Enough said about that - now lets move on...

Actually, spending the day livin "the day of the bunny" made me remember a bunny I once had that was quite dear to my heart....

Back in the good old days of the mid 80's I was deeply in love, er, infatuated with a much older guy "Tim". One day when we were out in the canoe (no really we did go canoeing - I lived on the river then) I found a stuffed bunny floating in the nasty assed water of the river - well needless to say I had to rescue this bacteria infested stuffed animal and take it home - I bleached the snot out of it in the bathroom for hours and then decided that it was okay and treasured it like nobody's business... aww Tim and the bunny.... good times

God I remember that day now and I'm feeling all squishy inside - man I miss the simplicity of that love and the huge impact some stupid thing had on your happiness...

(And as a sidenote to "Tim" if you ever read this...(giggle) you really weren't my "first"...but I like to think you were... Phew, finally got that off my chest...)

Now hand me a water soaked, germ infested, bacteria filled stuffed animal today and you'd be wearing the damn thing...

Anybody remember that song by The Waterboys - The Whole of The Moon - or something like that????


Nicki said...

I shiver at the things I used to do when I was younger.

Jerrster said...

bunny can be both scary and yummy

maybetomorrow said...

Freak - I hear ya, must burn the old diaries before the boy is older enough to care about reading them....

jerry - bunnies generally are diverse little creatures...

Tara - you rock!!! Thanks for the lyrics - thank god the house is empty while I belt this one out...