Tuesday, March 14, 2006

One hundred things about me....

Can I really pull this off??
1. I love my boy more than life itself
2. I generally feel indifferent to the man I'm married to, well, on a good day - sometimes I just want to bash his head in with a weedwacker
3. My parents divorced when I was 6 years old
4. My father had custody of me and my sister growing up
5. I hate feet - think they are gross
6. I had a dog named Ritalin
7. We have a dog now named Barkley
8. I love greek food
9. I used to smoke cigarettes - for about 13 years
10. I am very interested in Buddhism
11. Crickets scare the hell out of me
12. This is the fattest I've ever been in my life
13. The smell of Clinque's "Happy" perfume makes me sick
14. I love my job usually
15. I secretly love Buffy the Vampire Slayer
16. I pretty much lost the year of 1988 due to excessive "partying"
17. I am taking a French course currently
18. One day I will own a Canon Rebel or maybe a Nikon D70
19. I wish I could play the cello
20. I can tie a cherry stem in a knot with my tongue but have not done this since
the early 90's
21. The elderly intrigue me
22. I do not follow politics
23. I hope to go to India for my 40th or 50th birthday
24. I need glasses
25. Can not live without music
26. Hate lobster and most seafood
27. Doing this makes me think I'm being somewhat narcissistic
28. I watched my mother die
29. I suffer from Vertigo - ya it sucks
30. The best year of my life was 1987
31. I love the work of Edward Gorey and Tim Burton
32. I really did think my wedding was the best evah!
33. I am scared to death of open water
34. I'm really thirsty right now
35. Ahh - I am now drinking a diet coke
36. My baby sister (she's 32) is awesome
37. I really didn't lose my virginity with "T"
38. I'm losing interest in doing this now
39. I feel like I'm doing that Van Halen video - you know the "right now" one..
40. Ugh...nevermind.....I'm done...


Melanie said...

Thanks for commenting on my blog. How long have you had the vertigo? I am on my third episode and don't really know much about it yet....cept that is sucks big time.

Bigg said...

I tried to think of a hundred things about myself, and ended up face down in a pint of Haagen-Daas ice cream (sp?) all kinds of depressed. Yours is at least a bit more upbeat than mine...

Michelle said...

I can do the cherry stalk thing, too... and posted that fact in a 'list of things about me' (it was about the most interesting thing I could think of at the time - oh dear!)... I hadn't done it since, um, whenever Twin Peaks was on, either, but when I had nothing to do for about three days (very slow family holiday in France) other than eat my way through a huge bowl of cherries, I discovered I can still do it, every time.