Friday, July 21, 2006

A good mommy moment......

So I decided that I really gotta step up to the good mommy plate and bring on a homerun for the boy.... ooooh likin the baseball analogy... so I took Wednesday off work - yes the crisis centre will survive sans moi for one day (I thought), and spent a "special day" with the boy...

I try to schedule at least one or two "special days" with just me and boy per month but have been lacking in the follow through recently due to the husband's absence...
I have been working fulltime, parenting fulltime, and doing the house crap fulltime, so the special days have fallen to the wayside in the last month or so....

Wednesday I tried to redeem myself so I let the boy pick out anything he wanted to do for our special day and he chose the most hellish place on earth to spend our special day.... the b.e.a.c.h. - ughh

Now I know for most the beach is a wonderful place of relaxation but to the big girl here it means being hot, wet, and sandy - 3 things that I believe were methods of torture in medieval times.... not to mention being in a very public place in the world's most unattractive swimsuit - yes kids, long gone are the bikini's of my youth and hello frumpy black tent/bathing suit...

The things you do for your kids eh....

So putting on my best "I'm having a great time" face I swam in the disgusting lake water, built the most treasured sandcastles, chased seagulls, and burnt to a crisp for the love of my boy....

So I'm sitting there about 2 hours into the "best day evah"(according to the boy) and I find water dripping down my cheeks - no its not sweat, it's... tears.. not tears of sadness, tears of frustration or tears of anger, but tears I think
Man when was the last time those suckers touched my face... tears of pure joy...
Watching the boy lovin every moment of this time at this god forsaken place I was touched (ya I know I'm "touched")
Touched in the simple beauty of the boy on a beach, touched by the squeals of delight from the waves on his legs, touched by the pure moment of joy we both have shared today at this most unbelievable place called the beach....
(Holy Christ someone call Hallmark - I'm having a moment)

Look at this picture though and tell me that you can't feel some joy.... I dare ya..


Bethany said...

the beach was fun when i was a kid.. but as an adult? not so much. i am appreciating my mom ever so much more because of your post!

OneHungMan said...

OneHung has a weakness when it comes to the fruits of our loin. I spend half the time wanting to beat his ass and the other half being happy he's mine.

Sad, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

OneHungMan said...

I think I may have to put a link to your blog on mine. Do you have a problem with that?

maybetomorrow said...

Sara - awww - appreciate that mother, you'll never truly know what she has done for you......

1hung(can I call you that? - ha)
For me the boy is the only person in the world that I love so much that it really physically hurts sometimes - kwim? And link away if you would like...I shall do the same if okay with you....Thanks

OneHungMan said...

Maybe, feel free to link away.