Ya, Happy Valentines Days... now that's out of the way...let's focus on something really important and that is buggin the crap out of me...
Karla Homolka became a mother..
For those of you who don't know who Karla is (you obviously aren't from around here) here is a link of info for you to get to know the new mother...KARLA
How is that poor little baby going to grow up...
Even let's say, for the sake of argument, Karla is a surprisingly great mother - highly doubt it - but if she is, that kid is still soooooo screwed....
You look up to your parents as role models, reflections of who you are and could be....good and bad....
You gage your self acceptance on what people think of you and your family...
EVEN if you are given the tools and support to look outside of your family, the truth still remains that his "mother" raped and killed her own sister, kidnapped, raped, tortured, and murdered others...
And let's just for a moment look at who the father of this child is - What the hell was he thinking??? What would be the appeal of this woman???
This part is fascinating because human nature is soo intriguing
There is no way that this guy was not aware of her past so why would you want a relationship with her??? What type of a guy does this make him - a saint or sicko???
I suppose to some, hopefully a very small some, her twisted past may make her an exciting fuck... but then to start a family?? Christ, who knows, maybe they never planned on the child... (now that just opens up another issue I have with unplanned pregnancies...let's just walk away from that for now)
I know the families of her victims are outraged and rightly so...but I just can't help thinking about that poor innocent baby - although she created his life she ultimately will ruined his life, intentionally or not.....
Motherhood is a privilege - just because you can birth a baby doesn't mean you should.....
Okay, steps off soapbox now....
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
This is my blog....
I am in a mood...
This is what I need right now....
And most definately this.....
But what make today all better would be lunch with Peter.....
(This post is not intended to make any sense to anyone other than myself)
I am in a mood...
This is what I need right now....
And most definately this.....
But what make today all better would be lunch with Peter.....
(This post is not intended to make any sense to anyone other than myself)
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Beauteous day in the land of ice and snow.......
The boy and I spend the afternoon skating at the neighbour's ice rink...BRR...
Typical Canadian weekend activity of course....
I really have to sign him up for hockey next year - been putting that off (for a bizillion reasons) but I think the time has come that I have to put aside my reservations and give into my cultural duty as a canuck...
I remember my father making a rink in our backyard and me skating around til dark... pretending I was the next Dorothy Hamill...and I would have been too if it wasn't for the introduction of boys... and volleyball.... which steered me from my ice skating destiny...really...uh hun....
I even had all my routines choreographed out as well as music selected -
Elton John's Funeral For a Friend, or Chariots of Fire, or Neil Diamond's Hello Again - Yes, this was the early '80's people....
Anyhow here are some pics from today's....who knows you may be witnessing the first photos of the next Wayne Gretzky (god, I hope not)

Typical Canadian weekend activity of course....
I really have to sign him up for hockey next year - been putting that off (for a bizillion reasons) but I think the time has come that I have to put aside my reservations and give into my cultural duty as a canuck...
I remember my father making a rink in our backyard and me skating around til dark... pretending I was the next Dorothy Hamill...and I would have been too if it wasn't for the introduction of boys... and volleyball.... which steered me from my ice skating destiny...really...uh hun....
I even had all my routines choreographed out as well as music selected -
Elton John's Funeral For a Friend, or Chariots of Fire, or Neil Diamond's Hello Again - Yes, this was the early '80's people....
Anyhow here are some pics from today's....who knows you may be witnessing the first photos of the next Wayne Gretzky (god, I hope not)
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
BRR..and bras...
Holy mother of god I've been freezing all day today
It actually was "warm" today compared to the last few days but for whatever reason I've been "chilled to the bone" all day long...
When I got to work this morning, bitchin' about how cold I was, my co worker (nemesis) politely pointed out that I wouldn't be half as cold if I wore a hat and some pants....
Thank you mother... I don't wear hats - ever heard of hat head dumbass, and well as for the pants... I was clothed...just in a stupid skirt
I don't normally wear skirts in the dead of winter but I really need some new clothes... it was the skirt or my pj pants....
You see I have recently lost some poundage and am in need of some new clothes that fit (stress does have some good side effects)
Anyhow back to the clothing dilemma - not really interested in buying any new clothes at this time so my wardrobe is quite limited - hence the skirt...
I do have to get some new bras - not necessary cause of any weight loss there (thank god) but just feeling a little less than "lifted and separated"... the dinners are a bit droopy.....
yes, I did just say "dinners" - that is what my grandmother would call the lady lumps
I remember asking why she called them dinners when I was younger and she simply replied that is where the kittens got their dinner from (meaning the momma cat's teats - not hers) - enuf said... god I miss my gram, I can hear her while watching tv "now look at that lady with her dinners all hanging out like that!"
Well I think I will end this boring little post with some music...my most favouritest(word?) song right now - enjoy
Oh yeah - just a heads up - there will be no post tomorrow - good tv night
It actually was "warm" today compared to the last few days but for whatever reason I've been "chilled to the bone" all day long...
When I got to work this morning, bitchin' about how cold I was, my co worker (nemesis) politely pointed out that I wouldn't be half as cold if I wore a hat and some pants....
Thank you mother
I don't normally wear skirts in the dead of winter but I really need some new clothes... it was the skirt or my pj pants....
You see I have recently lost some poundage and am in need of some new clothes that fit (stress does have some good side effects)
Anyhow back to the clothing dilemma - not really interested in buying any new clothes at this time so my wardrobe is quite limited - hence the skirt...
I do have to get some new bras - not necessary cause of any weight loss there (thank god) but just feeling a little less than "lifted and separated"... the dinners are a bit droopy.....
yes, I did just say "dinners" - that is what my grandmother would call the lady lumps
I remember asking why she called them dinners when I was younger and she simply replied that is where the kittens got their dinner from (meaning the momma cat's teats - not hers) - enuf said... god I miss my gram, I can hear her while watching tv "now look at that lady with her dinners all hanging out like that!"
Well I think I will end this boring little post with some music...my most favouritest(word?) song right now - enjoy
Oh yeah - just a heads up - there will be no post tomorrow - good tv night
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
I have a question...
So tonight I've been surfin blogs...well cause I wanted to - and god knows nothing is going on around here....
I was just hitting that next blog button but then it was going to blogs that were stupid, written in squiggles, or didn't have the next blog button at the top, sooooo I was getting a bit perturbed so I decided to just hit on the people that have left comments on my pathetic blog and check out the people they linked to their blogs
Now some were really interesting and I would like to check back and read again but now I won't remember where they are and where I found them soooooooo
my question is do I ask the blogger if can link them to my blog - honestly for easy access for me to find again - or do I just link them without asking - what is the proper linking protocol???
I always feel like a tool leaving comments on blogs that don't relate to their post but I suppose I should ask right?? I don't think I would want people linking me to their blogs without me knowing... or maybe I wouldn't care... I don't know...
Oh yeah, and do I let the person know how I found their blog....cause I may have found their blog from some other blog that I've never commented on and then would that original blogger's feeling be hurt cause I didn't' comment on their blog but opened their links....like looking for something better - would that be like dating the guy to get closer to the friend??? (not that I ever did that.....)
Oh I'm tired now...forget it
Oh again - if you have one of those sitemeter things on your blog and see that I was on your blog for like 3 hours I was probably just reading all the other links (god, should I have I told you that?)
I was just hitting that next blog button but then it was going to blogs that were stupid, written in squiggles, or didn't have the next blog button at the top, sooooo I was getting a bit perturbed so I decided to just hit on the people that have left comments on my pathetic blog and check out the people they linked to their blogs
Now some were really interesting and I would like to check back and read again but now I won't remember where they are and where I found them soooooooo
my question is do I ask the blogger if can link them to my blog - honestly for easy access for me to find again - or do I just link them without asking - what is the proper linking protocol???
I always feel like a tool leaving comments on blogs that don't relate to their post but I suppose I should ask right?? I don't think I would want people linking me to their blogs without me knowing... or maybe I wouldn't care... I don't know...
Oh yeah, and do I let the person know how I found their blog....cause I may have found their blog from some other blog that I've never commented on and then would that original blogger's feeling be hurt cause I didn't' comment on their blog but opened their links....like looking for something better - would that be like dating the guy to get closer to the friend??? (not that I ever did that.....)
Oh I'm tired now...forget it
Oh again - if you have one of those sitemeter things on your blog and see that I was on your blog for like 3 hours I was probably just reading all the other links (god, should I have I told you that?)
Three in a row....
Today really kicked my ass....
Don't get me wrong...love my job...but today... TOO MUCH...too F-'in much...
Ever had a job where no matter what you did you were screwed... if I bring the kids into care I'm in shit.. if I don't bring the kids in I'm in shit... middle management... it really is the most stressful place to be.. I realize that this totally doesn't make sense to anyone outside of my office, but bear (or is it bare?? - ha) with me....
So I actually get out of work alive and then come home to my life par deux - the husband has spent the afternoon with his OT worker making tacos for dinner - wow you all exclaim - he is making tacos - what a feat - is he fine grinding the flour for the tortillas and making the salsa from scratch???
One would think since it is taking an Occupational Therapist coming into our home and working with him for almost 2 hours to complete the dinner making task tonight..
Well no - he opened the box of the taco kit - see here

And now I'm suppose to throw him a parade....
Wow... that is so cold Maybe - poor guy died this summer - he has a brain injury - cut him some slack right???
No, seriously, he is not that brain damaged that he can't make tacos on his own...
His issues have nothing to do with the after effects of his brain injury - it's his new diagnosis.... LAZYITIS...
I'm sure that none of the above post makes any sense to anyone so I call it a day now and bid you all adieu...
(but kudos to me for 3 post in a row - woot hooo)
Today really kicked my ass....
Don't get me wrong...love my job...but today... TOO MUCH...too F-'in much...
Ever had a job where no matter what you did you were screwed... if I bring the kids into care I'm in shit.. if I don't bring the kids in I'm in shit... middle management... it really is the most stressful place to be.. I realize that this totally doesn't make sense to anyone outside of my office, but bear (or is it bare?? - ha) with me....
So I actually get out of work alive and then come home to my life par deux - the husband has spent the afternoon with his OT worker making tacos for dinner - wow you all exclaim - he is making tacos - what a feat - is he fine grinding the flour for the tortillas and making the salsa from scratch???
One would think since it is taking an Occupational Therapist coming into our home and working with him for almost 2 hours to complete the dinner making task tonight..
Well no - he opened the box of the taco kit - see here

And now I'm suppose to throw him a parade....
Wow... that is so cold Maybe - poor guy died this summer - he has a brain injury - cut him some slack right???
No, seriously, he is not that brain damaged that he can't make tacos on his own...
His issues have nothing to do with the after effects of his brain injury - it's his new diagnosis.... LAZYITIS...
I'm sure that none of the above post makes any sense to anyone so I call it a day now and bid you all adieu...
(but kudos to me for 3 post in a row - woot hooo)
Monday, February 05, 2007
Let's share some stupid information today....
1. Ate half a jar of olives today for lunch (mmm..)
2. Fantasized about cleaning the toilet with the husband's toothbrush today
(so close)
(so close)
3. Thinking of colouring my hair red with blond chunky highlights (so girly)
4. Thinking about taking the boy to Medieval Times next month (so boyish)
5. I have an inappropriate crush on the husband's cardiologist (swoon)
6. Put my co-workers chair in the elevator when she left the office (office pranks for points)
7. TV sucks on Mondays
Now lets share some pics...
One day my house won't look like the show room for
Hot Wheels/Matchbox/Tonka....and I will miss it.... terribly......
Sunday, February 04, 2007
It's been awhile...
Gawd - I'm not even sure what to write - it's been awhile eh kids...
Well, I think I'm gonna start by saying the husband is alive but not well....
Many, many, many, problems over here in my world but let's not focus on that....
Let's just pretend for a moment that everything is different and I'm livin' in my happy place...
No serious shit here today - let's talk about some fluff...
Let's see....um...really like the new Damien Rice and Ben Harper is rockin my world lately....
Went to the gym yesterday - first time in like FOREVER - didn't kill me...
Been reading some really good books lately....
Um...starting to like yogurt...um...um...
Hate football....
Ugh this post sucks...maybe try later....
Well, I think I'm gonna start by saying the husband is alive but not well....
Many, many, many, problems over here in my world but let's not focus on that....
Let's just pretend for a moment that everything is different and I'm livin' in my happy place...
No serious shit here today - let's talk about some fluff...
Let's see....um...really like the new Damien Rice and Ben Harper is rockin my world lately....
Went to the gym yesterday - first time in like FOREVER - didn't kill me...
Been reading some really good books lately....
Um...starting to like yogurt...um...um...
Hate football....
Ugh this post sucks...maybe try later....
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